The Deal

Ellen, if you're reading this: Yes, we'd be glad to be on your show.

Monday, May 2, 2011


So, it's more than official.  Deposits are paid and leases are signed.  We have a hoooome!  I'm only seeing it through pictures so far, but I already love it.  I can't wait for my brilliant roommate to put her creative awesomeness into it.  It will be a hip pad.  Full of hip things.  You can guarantee we'll be hosting a gathering on any given weekend/holiday.  You're invited.  Here it is!

Our house.
Pretty floors for dance parties.
This is where we will sit and knit.
Pretty floors will also be great for sock skating.
Stairs.  These will be festive during Christmas.  Count on it.
 We'll make food here.  And talk about meaningful stuff.  Like...Taylor Swift's latest boyfriend.